5 ways to improve your website’s Google Rankings

Being seen on the first page of a Google search is the best way to win the eyes of your target audience online, but there are only ten spots and everyone is vying for one of them.

How neglecting your landing page could be hurting your sales

If the landing page fails to continue the initial message that prompted the potential customer's interest, they are likely to quickly navigate away.

Stop thinking about SEO. Focus on what your customers are looking for

By focusing on understanding what your target audience wants to know about your business, and how the content of your website meets your business objectives, you will automatically be ticking all the…

Maximising your local marketing strategies: A guide to growing your business

As a local business, you not only need to raise awareness of your business to your potential customers but also need to be seen as part of the local community for potential customers to fully engage…

Beyond Social Media. How traditional marketing channels can help your local business stand out

An integrated marketing strategy is essential for small local businesses that want to stand out in a crowded marketplace. By using a combination of both digital and traditional marketing channels,…

Lessons from Pepsi, Where’s My Jet?

When creating an advertisement containing a puff ensure it is free from any statements that could result in someone interpreting the puff as a promise. If in doubt, have it checked by a Solicitor.