How to Determine an Optimal Product Mix for Profitability

17 Minutes

Most small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are familiar with the concept of ‘product mix’, but few truly tap into its remarkable power for driving profitability. As a business owner, your ultimate goal is to skyrocket profits and propel your business to new heights. If you’re unsure how analysing your product mix can help with this, we’re here for you.

We have created this guide where we unravel all there is to know about product mix for profitability to help your business reach its full potential.

This guide covers:

What is a product mix??
Understanding your current product/service mix
Strategically understanding your customers for optimal product selection
Achieving the right balance in your product mix for profitability
How to apply the 5 P’s of Profitability
How to implement changes in your product mix

What is a Product Mix?

A product mix is the complete range of products and services offered by a business. It’s a strategic combination designed to maximise profitability and meet market demands. This mix includes various dimensions:


Width refers to the number of different product lines a business offers.

  • Importance: A wider product mix can cater to a broader market, but it’s essential to ensure that each line is relevant to your business and market demands.
  • Example: A clothing retailer might have various lines, such as formal wear, casual wear, sportswear, etc.
  • Length

    Length is the total number of products within each line.

  • Importance: It indicates the range of choices available to customers within a particular line. A longer product mix can provide more options to customers, potentially increasing sales.
  • Example: In the sportswear line, the length could include different types of athletic shoes, gym outfits, and fitness accessories.
  • Depth

    Depth refers to the variations offered in each product in the line.

  • Importance: Offering depth in your product mix can help meet more specific customer preferences, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Example: For a particular type of athletic shoe, depth could include various sizes, colours, and technological features.
  • Consistency

    Consistency is about how closely related different product lines are in terms of use, production, and distribution.

  • Importance: A consistent product mix can streamline operations and strengthen your brand identity. It ensures that all product lines align with the business’s overall mission and market positioning.
  • Example: A tech company might maintain consistency by offering product lines that are all tech-based, such as smartphones, laptops, and smart home devices, ensuring a common technological theme.
  • For SMEs, an effective product mix is key to offering customer choice, catering to diverse preferences, and responding to market dynamics. It involves identifying which products to promote, improve, or introduce, ensuring the business remains agile and aligned with profitability goals.

    Understanding your current product/service mix

    The journey to optimise your profitability begins with a thorough assessment of your current product or service mix. You want to create a range of offerings that not only appeal to your current market but also pave the way for future growth.

    It’s crucial to ask:

  • Are your offerings aligned with the market’s needs?
  • How do they contribute to your overall business goals, including profitability?
  • This initial step is about taking stock of what you’re selling now and setting the stage for deeper analysis.

    Understanding profit maximisation for the best product mix

    What is Profit Maximisation? It’s about knowing how much money you make (total revenue) and how much you spend (total costs) at different levels of making products or providing services.

    Why track marginal revenue and costs?

  • Marginal Revenue: This is the extra money you make by selling one more item.
  • Marginal Cost: This is what it costs you to make that extra item.
  • Finding the right balance:

  • Analyse prices and costs: Look at how you price your products and what they cost to make.
  • Understand demand: Know how much your customers want your products.
  • Match production with demand and costs: Make enough products to meet customer demand but don’t overspend. Find the balance where you can satisfy your customers without spending too much.
  • Techniques to determine which products/services yield the highest profit margins

    Enhancing your product mix for profitability significantly hinges on identifying which products or services in your portfolio are the real profit generators. Here are some targeted techniques to help you determine an optimal product mix:

      1. Analyse historical sales data for profitability: Review past sales to identify products or services with consistently high sales, and look for trends indicating higher profitability, crucial for determining an optimal product mix.
      2. Calculate profit margins accurately: Deduct the cost of goods sold from the sales price to find the profit margin of each product. The more accurately the cost can be tracked, the more insight you will have on margin. As you can imagine, products with higher margins are key to a profitable product mix.
      3. Conduct market comparisons: Compare your products with similar market offerings to understand pricing and value. This comparison is vital in figuring out how to determine an optimal product mix.
      4. Gather and analyse customer feedback: Use customer feedback to gauge product value. Highly valued products often lead to a more profitable product mix.
      5. Monitor inventory turnover rates: Track how quickly products sell and are restocked. Fast-moving products can be a sign of higher demand and profitability, which is essential for a profitable product mix. However, don´t forget to devise a strategy to reduce slow moving/obsolete stock. This increases working capital for investment in more profitable activity.
      6. Evaluate production or service delivery costs: Assess costs involved in production or service delivery. Lower production costs relative to selling price usually indicate higher margins, contributing to a profitable product mix.
      7. Adjust for seasonal variations: Be mindful of seasonal trends affecting sales. Adapt your product focus based on these trends to maintain a profitable product mix.

    Tip: phase out less profitable items

    Along with identifying high profit-yielding items, it’s also essential to identify products or services that aren’t doing well. These might need to be using up more resources or fitting better with your brand.

    Sometimes, you need to stop offering products that aren’t helping your business’s profitability. By removing or reducing these less profitable items, you can use your resources more effectively.

    However, a note of caution, don’t consider profitability in isolation. Be wary of eliminating strategically critical low-margin (or even loss-leaders) that are essential for engaging with your customers and market.

    Strategically understanding your customers for optimal product selection

    Navigating the complexities of market demand begins with a thorough understanding of your customer base.

    The importance of customer insights:

  • Gaining a deep understanding of who your customers are and their buying motivations is crucial.
  • This insight allows you to tailor your offerings to meet market demands effectively.
  • The objective is to ground your product strategy in solid, data-driven understanding.
  • Identifying profitable customer segments:

  • Analyse your customer base to determine which groups are most financially beneficial.
  • Concentrate your efforts on these segments to ensure efficient use of resources.
  • This strategy ensures that your offerings resonate with your most valuable customers.
  • Adopting a customer-centric product strategy:

  • Base your decisions on the preferences and needs of your key customer segments.
  • This approach not only heightens customer satisfaction but also boosts your profitability.
  • Striking this balance is advantageous for both your clientele and your business.
  • Tip: Consider conducting surveys or looking at sales data to better understand your customers’ preferences. This can give you more insights into which products are most popular and why.

    Achieving the right balance in your product mix for profitability

    Mastering how to determine an optimal product mix involves more than selecting popular products; it requires a strategic balance in your product range to:

    Maximise profitability: A balanced product mix is key for maximising profits, requiring an understanding of how different products or services complement each other.

    Meet market demands: Aligning your offerings with market needs ensures each product or service has a purpose (which is crucial in getting the right product mix for profitability).

    Strategies for achieving balance

      1. Analyse market trends: Stay informed about current market trends and customer preferences to adjust your product mix accordingly.
      2. Diversify offerings: Broaden your audience reach by diversifying your products or services, including introducing complementary products or variations.
      3. Evaluate product performance: Regularly review each product’s performance to identify high performers and underperformers.
      4. Cost-benefit analysis: Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for each product, understanding the costs versus the revenue generated.

    Enhancing product mix planning through team collaboration

    Effective optimisation of your product mix requires aligning your strategy with market conditions and involves:

    Integrating diverse team insights: For example, finance teams assess financial viability; sales teams provide customer insights; and merchandising teams offer market trend perspectives.

    Encouraging a unified approach: Foster collaboration and ensure all teams work towards the common goal of product mix optimisation.

    Developing data-driven strategies: Use collaborative insights for strategy formulation and respond swiftly to market changes.

    Aligning with business goals and market realities: Combine financial goals with market and customer needs for a comprehensive product mix view.

    Apply the 5 Ps of Profitability to enhance product mix and business strategy

    Refining your strategy for an optimal product mix involves considering the 5 Ps of Profitability:

  • Product Adaptation: Regularly adjust your products or services to meet customer needs and stay competitive.
  • Pricing Strategy: Develop pricing models that reflect your offerings’ value and align with profitability objectives.
  • People Management: Build a skilled team and maintain strong stakeholder relationships.
  • Process Optimisation: Streamline operations to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance satisfaction.
  • (Strategic) Planning: Use market analysis, customer feedback, and internal data for planning.
  • Regularly reviewing and adapting your product offerings based on performance data, market changes, and customer feedback is essential. This proactive approach, combined with the ‘5 Ps of Profitability’, keeps your business agile and responsive, a critical aspect of ‘how to determine an optimal product mix.

    How to implement changes in your product mix

    The first step to implementing change is to establish a clear plan that outlines the specific changes you intend to make to your product or service mix. This plan should include a timeline, designated responsibilities, and a detailed strategy for how these changes will be communicated and executed across the organisation.

    It’s crucial to ensure that all team members understand the rationale behind these changes and their role in the implementation process. By taking a methodical approach, you can set the stage for a smooth transition to a more profitable product mix.

    Tips for navigating potential obstacles

    When implementing changes in your product mix, you’re likely to encounter various challenges. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate these obstacles effectively:

      1. Encourage open communication: Nurture open dialogue within your team and address concerns and feedback promptly to mitigate resistance.
      2. Prepare for logistical challenges: Anticipate and plan for potential logistical hurdles and develop contingency plans to ensure smooth operations.
      3. Promote team involvement: Involve your team in decision-making processes. This inclusion can help reduce resistance and foster a sense of ownership. Buy-in is crucial with any change.
      4. Embrace flexibility: Be ready to adjust your strategy in response to new information or unexpected market shifts. Adaptability is key to staying relevant and profitable.
      5. Regular strategy reviews: Periodically review your product mix strategy to ensure it aligns with current market conditions. Use these reviews as opportunities to make necessary adjustments.
      6. Training and development: Provide training and development opportunities for your team to understand and embrace new strategies. Well-informed team members are more likely to support changes.
      7. Monitor competitor activities: Keep an eye on your competitors’ strategies and market responses. Use this information to anticipate market trends and adapt accordingly.
      8. Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories and milestones in your product mix journey. This boosts morale and keeps the team motivated through challenges.

    Optimise your product mix for lasting profitability

    A well-calibrated product mix plays a critical role in the financial health and growth trajectory of SMEs. By having a deep understanding of market dynamics, customer needs, and internal business capabilities and aligning your offer to these, you can continuously adapt to the evolving business landscape, creating a robust foundation for sustainable profitability.

    Achieve what you set out to

    If you found the above insights valuable but still feel daunted by taking on this yourself, then please get in touch to see how we can help you.

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