Why do you need to know about asset finance in 2023

If your business needs funding, asset finance may not be your immediate first thought. But with the market changing in 2023, it could solve your funding problems.

The year ahead – according to Swoop

The big questions about how 2023 will shake out will depend upon your perspective, so we gathered around the table at Swoop Towers to finish the last mince pies and look ahead into 2023 with Andrea…

5 reasons your customers aren’t paying you

Regardless of the relationships that you’re building with your customers, there are occasions when payments for a product or service aren’t arriving.

10 ways to save on business energy bills right now

From little tricks to a big switch, there are many ways to save on business energy. Here are 10 of our top tips to help you save on business gas and electricity.

Why do viable businesses fold?

Bridging finance is a short-term solution to solidify your short-term position until a long-term financing option can be arranged.

The mini-budget – immediate help for businesses, but many promises lack detail

The Chancellor has completed his mini-budget announcement, wherein he will attempt to stimulate UK growth via a mix of tax cuts, the removal of green levies, new investment zones, and an energy costs…

The Energy Bill Relief Scheme explained: what is it and will my business benefit?

While the wholesale costs that energy suppliers can incorporate into the rates for businesses will be capped, it will not determine the final rate paid by business customers.

Have you got plans to survive the oncoming energy crisis? Read this – help is available

It is anticipated that there will be a range of measures including grants, VAT and business rates holidays available to help businesses through what is hoped to be a temporary crisis.