Managing The Risks Around NDAs

Although it is seven years since Harvey Weinstein was exposed, the wide-reaching ramifications of the scandal continue, especially regarding Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).

Lessons from the Post Office Scandal

How the blind faith in an IT system led to convictions of innocent people, and how a corporate culture bent on protecting the ‘brand’ meant that questions were never asked, and if they were, any…

Why Do Good Employees Quit?

The phrase “people don’t leave companies, they leave managers” has never been truer than it is today. Great employees are quitting their jobs because they have realised they want more.

We’re bigger and also sicker than previously thought!

Long-term sickness absence creates significant operational challenges for small businesses and managing it effectively needs a balanced approach.

Beyond profit: unveiling the heartbeat of Employee Motivation in B Corps

In the second part of our B Corp series, we are exploring the alignment between purpose-driven businesses and the motivations of their workforce.

Motivation as the engine of Employee Engagement in the Diverse Workplace

Understanding what motivates employees is the first step towards enhancing their engagement levels.

The vital role of Employee Engagement in the B-Corp journey

Seven key reasons why effective employee engagement is a cornerstone of the B-Corp process and why it is essential for businesses aiming to balance purpose and profit.

Five reasons why you should partner with a coach

There are many benefits of coaching within a business, from improving relationships between staff to unlocking the true potential of individuals and teams.