Dealing with Debt Management in a post-Covid World

Though no business can completely insulate itself from risk, we have identified four key areas that you may wish to consider to help protect your business during this period of economic uncertainty

Disputes in Construction and Engineering – What you need to know

Disputes arising from construction and engineering projects are, unfortunately, very common. And as forewarned is forearmed, we thought it would be useful to give you some background about typical…

Start-ups and business financing – the perils

Sometimes this process can be problematic and if you have ever had an application refused or an account closed without explanation then the reason behind it could be rather sinister.

Hybrid working: Should you do it?

With the lifting of the restrictions, many businesses may be facing requests from staff to stay working from home or on a split basis between the workplace and their home (otherwise known as hybrid…

How does a growing business address its legal needs?

Typically, as businesses develop, the day-to-day legal responsibilities fall to the CFO or CEO. For legal work that is business critical, or perhaps beyond the expertise of anyone internally, you are…

What should you do if your Terms & Conditions are never accepted?

Whatever the size of your business, you will undoubtedly have had dealings with one that’s bigger, or more powerful. And if yours is a small organisation, you may feel that you are always the…

Impact of changes to the law on flexible working

As a business owner, particularly the owner of a small-to-medium-sized business, you need to start preparing to receive a flexible working request now, before you actually receive one.

Bounce Back Loans – the reality check

In January 2022 it was announced that £5.8 billion was lost through furlough and Bounce Back Loan fraud. Of that, to date only £500 million had been recovered, and although projections suggest a…

I’ve learned to develop a thicker skin

Sometimes an opportunity or relationship that appeared to be going nowhere can suddenly blossom.