7 key questions Business Leaders or Change Consultants should ask HR before change starts

Depending on who you listen to, or what research you read, there are any number of reasons why organisational change management programmes fail.

10 ways to save on business energy bills right now

From little tricks to a big switch, there are many ways to save on business energy. Here are 10 of our top tips to help you save on business gas and electricity.

5 expert tips to help SMEs manage the cost of doing business as prices rise

Small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are innovative, flexible, tenacious and creative. We’ve seen these strengths first-hand: throughout the coronavirus pandemic and right now, as the cost of…

Watch out for values-washing!

Values-washing is oh-so-easy to spot. Which is just one reason why we must avoid it in our own organisations.

Why it is important to take notes

Leaders are always asking me why delegation doesn’t work for them? My answer, did your colleague take notes?

Why do viable businesses fold?

Bridging finance is a short-term solution to solidify your short-term position until a long-term financing option can be arranged.

Take our Small Business Legal Survey Today

How SMEs manage their legal affairs and view their prospects for the coming 12 months.

The mini-budget – immediate help for businesses, but many promises lack detail

The Chancellor has completed his mini-budget announcement, wherein he will attempt to stimulate UK growth via a mix of tax cuts, the removal of green levies, new investment zones, and an energy costs…

The Energy Bill Relief Scheme explained: what is it and will my business benefit?

While the wholesale costs that energy suppliers can incorporate into the rates for businesses will be capped, it will not determine the final rate paid by business customers.

Are you a CFO drowning in legal work?

We can provide you with a dedicated business lawyer embedded in your business, working alongside your senior team for as many or as few days a month as you need.