Terms and Conditions of Service

If you are offering services, you need to ensure that your terms and conditions of service have been comprehensively drafted and have been accepted by your clients before your services are offered.

A Litigator’s Guide to … Alternative Dispute Resolution Clauses

In this guide, we take a look at some common binding and non-binding ADR provisions and share our thoughts on when they are best utilised (and avoided) and give some overarching views on ADR…

A Litigator’s Guide to … Commercial Settlement Agreements

While some commercial settlements are quite straightforward, involving a payment of money to resolve a dispute, very often important ancillary issues need to be addressed to avoid unexpected…

Transfer risk assessments – a frequently overlooked stage in international contracting

While it may seem like a straightforward task, completing a TRA requires a level of expertise and attention to detail that may not be immediately apparent to your staff.

ChatGPT – Opportunities and legal implications for businesses

Depending on what you read and your personal views on technology, ChatGPT is either an amazing tool that will eliminate the drudgery of answering customer questions and writing articles, reports etc,…

Three key things to consider in contract negotiations

When it comes to commercial negotiations, they often don’t turn out the way you had hoped and then there is no going back.

Solicitors, email and client complaints…

With the rise in client service complaints, as solicitors we have to find ways in which to deal effectively with complaints. This article considers how best to deal with a complaint from the outset…

Defining and excluding Consequential Loss in a contract

Although decided in 1854, the same year Florence Nightingale was sent to the Crimean War and Hard Times by Charles Dickens was published, the test for what constitutes direct and indirect…

How to avoid contract termination disputes

The contractual clause that allows one party to terminate an agreement is a powerful provision. Drafted correctly, a contract termination clause can mitigate the risk of disputes which can not only…

Is your supply chain resilient?

An entire supply chain becomes vulnerable if one component is exposed to risk, just like a house of cards will topple if one section is out of balance.