When should a risk assessment be carried out?

Compliance and risk assessments go together like coffee and cake, tea and scones, Ross and Rachael – you get the idea – you cannot have one without the other.

The average GDPR fine for SMEs is £30,000. Ouch!

Alex Franch, Co-Founder and CEO of Privasee, introduces GDPR and why it is important for small and medium size businesses. Noting that fines for SMEs found to be in breach of the regulations can be…

Is intellectual property protection really too expensive, and or the threat too low?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as the saying goes, but it usually doesn’t feel that way when someone copies your products or brand names.

Three key things to consider in contract negotiations

When it comes to commercial negotiations, they often don’t turn out the way you had hoped and then there is no going back.

The Start up Legal Journey

Under English law, a warranty is a promise made by one party to another that certain facts or conditions are true. The inclusion of warranties in a contract provides assurance to buyers or the…

What are warranties and why are they given?

Under English law, a warranty is a promise made by one party to another that certain facts or conditions are true. The inclusion of warranties in a contract provides assurance to buyers or the…

Flexible working requests – what is changing?

On 5 December 2022, following its Making Flexible Working The Default consultation, which has now concluded, the UK government announced that it will be introducing reforms to the law around…

ChatGPT – can the AI generated content output be protected by copyright in the UK?

As AI technology develops, we are now firmly in the age of non-humans authoring literary content which might be worthy of protection under intellectual property laws.

Solicitors, email and client complaints…

With the rise in client service complaints, as solicitors we have to find ways in which to deal effectively with complaints. This article considers how best to deal with a complaint from the outset…